Monday, December 17, 2012

Netflix Instant Pick of the Week - 12/17/12


From my original review posted on (found here):

"Cleanflix is a crazy documentary about the insane practice of editing movies and reselling them to the “family values” market. Starting up in Utah and quickly spreading throughout the Midwest, savvy businessmen realized that there was a large market of people who wanted to watch rated-R films but without all the dang cussing and sex and violence in them. Basically, they wanted to take out all the stuff that makes the movie rated-R in the first place. After all, a respectable family is the one that sits all the kids down for a sanitized viewing of The Big Lebowski (click here for an idea of why a censored version of The Big Lebowski is so funny)."
This is a fascinating documentary, one that I saw through the Florida Film Festival a couple of years ago, and I am glad to see it here available for easy, mass consumption. Because this story is crazy and people need to know about it.

Watch it Instantly right here on Netflix!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Netflix Instant Pick of the Week - 12/10/12

 Glengarry Glen Ross

Okay, this one isn't some sort of hidden gem or unknown masterpiece or hipster choice of the week, this is the one and only Glengarry Glen Ross, which is a heralded and well known movie.

But it IS twenty years old, almost drinking age, and since this movie was released, many things have happened, the world has changed in GREAT ways, and a whole new generation has been born into this post-Glengarry Glen Ross world. So sometimes certain things bear repeating, and this is one of those things.

Watch Glengarry Glen Ross.

There, I said it. This is initially aimed at the youngings, those in the early 20s and youngers, the people too young to have seen the movie upon release and who haven't had a chance to see it yet. Hey, it happens, I understand. No one is judging here. This is your chance to see an excellent reason as to why people actually give a shit about that old dude Al Pacino, or Kevin Spacey for that matter. And you may be surprised to see a svelte Alec Baldwin, doing back then what he does best now - being a charismatic blowhard (albeit for one scene only, but oh what a scene). And there's this old guy in it named Jack Lemmon, and while it's no big deal to a whipper snapper like you since you don't even know who he was, just be advised that this performance from Mr. Lemmon was kind of a big deal, and his portrayal of sad sack Shelly "The Machine" Levine was something of a revelation to legions of admirers, fans and followers.

And for those of you, who have seen this movie, why not revisit it? When was the last time you even saw it? Back when it came out? Twenty years ago? Do you really remember the great lyricism and sing-songy quality of David Mamet's dialogue, being expertly and precisely spit out by actors of the highest order? Do you remember Ed Harris's tough exterior but insecure on the inside performance? Alan Arkin stumbling and bumbling around, oblivious to his surroundings? Pacino just killing it as the office hot shot? That aforementioned Baldwin walk on? Come on, this this is worth watching again.

So watch Glengarry Glen Ross right here on the Netflix Instant.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Netflix Watch Instantly Pick of the Week - 12/3/12

Sexy Beast

From 2001, Sexy Beast is an insane crime drama, made insane by a blistering, electric, white hot performance from Sir Ben Kingsley, who got himself an Oscar nomination for acting with a role that is the exact opposite of the one he won an Oscar for twenty years prior, that of Mohandas Gandhi. Here in Sexy Beast, Kingsley plays Don Logan, an extremely violent and vitriolic sociopath of a mobster who is deadset on recruiting this one particular guy for this one particular job. The problem for Don is that this guy is retired and living the life of Riley in Spain, so Don has to crash this dude's house, impose himself on this guy, and then try to force him to come back to London to do a job. This is a well-made movie, featuring great English actors like Ian McShane and Ray Winstone, but no one is fooling nobody, in the end this movie is all about Sir Ben and how awesome he is in this role. So get with it and watch this now on the ole Netflix Watch Instant service.

Watch it Instantly right here on Netflix!